(Report)The 7th AUN-HPN International Advisory Committee Meeting & the 3rd AUN International Health Promotion Conference

The 7th AUN-HPN International Advisory Committee Meeting and the 3rd AUN International Health Promotion Conference took place on January 19th and 20th, 2023. On the first day, key topics such as the appointment of AUN-HPN's executive and deputy directors, the progress of the Healthy University Rating System (HURS), and updates on member university health promotion initiatives were discussed. On the second day, the conference focused on AUN-HPN's role in promoting health policies, building health promotion skills, and conducting capacity-building workshops with a focus on mental health.


Our team member, Dr. Tania Tabassum Nisa, proposed a research project on assessing health risk factors in university students for collaboration with other AUN-HPN universities. The meeting and conference were both successful, providing attendees with opportunities for productive discussions and exchanging ideas.

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